Have you ever read a book, hated it, and vowed never to read it again? I have done that several times, with a number of books and have always kept my vow. However, sometimes a second chance can help you like a book you thought you hated.
In high school, like all high school students of my year, we had to read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee in English class. I'm not sure I remember what grade I was in, but I know it was in high school. I read the book, because I read all the assigned books in class. But I was not happy about it! In short, I hated it. Yes, rank heresy I know, but I despised the book. I thought the first half of the book had nothing to do with the second half and didn't understand what all the fuss about Boo Radley was. I wanted to move on and get to some Shakespeare already! I hated To Kill a Mockingbird and vowed never to read it again.
Fortunately for me and literature, I had to reread To Kill a Mockingbird a few years ago for a law and literature class. When I saw the book on the reading list I groaned. I did not want to have to make my way through this book again! I opened the slim purple volume with trepidation, wondering how long I could make it through before the first feelings of disgust surfaced.
However, much to my surprise, I began to like the book. I was caught up in Ms. Lee's description of the South and her clearly rendered characters, time, setting, and place. I was enthralled, I was entranced. I read through the book in a few sittings and finished it in amazement. I no longer hated To Kill a Mockingbird; in fact, I could quite easily say that it was one of the best books I had ever read. I had gone from total disgust to total appreciation. I could only laugh at my high school self who had hated this book and be thankful that school had once again thrown this novel into my hands.
I have yet to read To Kill a Mockingbird a third time - or on my own, for my own enjoyment. But the book now sits on my shelf, and it is something I will turn to again, I am sure. I am glad I received the chance to revise my opinion of this classic. Perhaps being a little older and a little wiser helped too. So, if at first you don't succeed, try again with a book in a little while, and you too may be amazed.
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